Our job is to help you thrive & survive.

We work with nutrition, exercise, recovery, supplements, medicine, blood tests, radiology & more. Let's build and implement your personal longevity strategy. Together.

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How it works.

A longevity strategy works as a personal health compass, always pointing you in the right direction, never to a final destination. Why? Because life is a journey that shouldn't end.

We offer two products to support your longevity journey. A fixed program called Rhythm and a flexible program called Quest.

Both options include a personal longevity physician and coach. You can read about our programs below or book a free intro call to learn more.

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Our products


Holistic longevity program.

Extensive blood work every 3 months

Dexa scan every 12 months

Login and track test results

Personal exercise program

Custom nutrition plan

Individual supplement protocol

Free iterations of your programs

Mobile app with goal tracking, exercise videos & food recipes

Free prescriptions when needed

Weekly check-ins with your MD/PT

60 min video calls with your doctor every 3 months


What are your health goals? Perhaps to lose weight, reduce risk of cancer or optimise healthspan?

Rhythm is a holistic & personal longevity program with continuous coaching and guidance on your journey. Our job is to help you reach your goals, regardless of what they are. This rhythm beats to your drum.

Here is how it works:

  1. Book your first video call and pay for the coming 3 months (SEK 8,970).
  2. Get an email with instructions for your testing and our first call together.
  3. Have a video call with your doctor to set goals and kick off your longevity strategy.

SEK 2,990


Book Rhythm


Custom longevity strategy.

Any blood test

Any radiology exam

Any functional test

Any primary prevention

Any needed intervention

Personal longevity coach

100% customised


Are you a longevity seeker, busy entrepreneur or health nerd? Then this is for you. It includes ANYTHING you need on your quest for longevity.

Quest is an application only program, designed for maximum flexibility. The structure is completely customised based on your needs.

Here is how it works:

  1. Apply by booking a free intro call.
  2. Discuss goals, scope & price etc. in the call.
  3. Decide together if we should move forward.
Apply for Quest

How we build your longevity strategy.

A longevity strategy should be personal, not generic. We gather insights from extensive testing and work with different focus areas based on your individual goals, challenges and preferences. Here are some of the things we do.

Top killers.

We target main risk factors to prevent heart attacks, stoke, diabetes, cancer & dementia.

Blood lipids


Metabolic health

Stress & Emotional health

Physiological fitness

Bone density.

We look for early signs of Osteoporosis to prevent fractures, immobility, infections and blood clots.

Dexa scan

Gold standard

Close to zero radiation

Fast and easy


Cancer screening.

We screen based on risk and preference. Early detection can be the difference between life and death.

Breast cancer

Prostate cancer

Colon cancer

Leukemia & Lymphoma

Whole body MRI

Lipid lowering.

We lower blood lipids with nutrition, supplements & medicine. Prevention is key to avoid ASCVD.

Personal action plan

Prescriptions if needed

Optimal lipid status

Lower risk of ASCVD


We target muscle mass, body fat, blood sugar & insulin to support metabolism and prevent chronic disease.

Personal action plan

Prescriptions if needed

Manage weight & blood sugar

Lower risk of diabetes

Sleep quality.

We create your personal sleep protocol as good sleep is crucial to both health & performance.

Personal protocol

Prescriptions if needed

Sleep like a log

Lower all cause mortality


We make you a supplement protocol based on science, test results and your individual goals.

Personal protocol

Measure effect

Adjust & measure again

Body composition.

We measure your body composition with a Dexa scan. It's fast, accurate, safe and comprehensive.

Body fat & muscle mass

Visceral fat

Optimise & re-test


We create a custom exercise program. V0²max, strength and muscles are great predictors of longevity.

Workouts you enjoy

Adapted to life situation

Personal trainer

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